I offer different levels of subscription to access different levels of the website, documents, sketches, notes, PowerPoints, lectures. By lecture, I mean me reading a document and commenting it live to explain my understanding and bring an analysis. Those lectures are recorded and may lead to some cartoons, some animations or some texts.

Free Membership: you can access my sketches

You need to be registered to see my sketches and see what initially led me to make a cartoon, the ideas, the research, maybe some photographies and graphs. Along with my sketches, you will find my notes and few observations.


You can access all the annotated documents, the bibliography and my sketches. This subscription is paid every 3 months and renew automatically.


You can access all the above plus my PowerPoints and my lectures.

Sponsor my work with $180/year

You can sponsor my work with a one time payment of $180 that will be renewed every year until cancellation. This level of membership gives you access to all the above content. You also receive by mail a printed copy of a cartoon with a dedication.

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