La prédation de McKinsey sur l’énergie Européenne

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Le 6 mars dernier, j’envoyais un courrier en anglais en remettant dans la chronologie des publications de McKinsey une théorie suivant laquelle “l’état profond” de la France est lié au Delaware, siège de l’ancienne monarchie française et qu’à partir du Delaware, l’influence McKinsey a servi à approcher l’état français pour y placer des employés McKinsey qui naviguent entre le public et le privé, cibler le système énergétique français et influencer les stratégies d’entreprise qui ont conduit à la perte de souveraineté de la France. Ce sont les erreurs de stratégie d’EDF et l’influence de McKinsey qui ont conduit l’état à “déborder” sur les autres secteurs industriels, notamment l’agriculture et la filière bois. L’état à sacrifié des filières pour réparer les erreurs d’EDF, lesquelles erreurs ont fait entrer les milieux de la finance pour spéculer et affaiblir la souveraineté française.

Ma théorie est que les publications de McKinsey prouvent qu’il s’agit d’une attaque coordonnée, voulue et pensée. Je considère qu’il ne faut pas voir McKinsey comme une entreprise purement américaine, mais plutôt une entreprise libérale influencée par la famille Dupont de Nemours qui est restée fidèle aux mouvements contre-révolutionnaires d’Europe. La France est entourée de monarchies. Il n’est donc pas étonnant que l’Europe serve de cheval de Troyes pour attaquer la souveraineté française, symbole de son peuple et de ses territoires. Depuis le Delaware, Dupont de Nemours mène sa guerre pour reprendre l’influence sur l’ensemble des structures de l’état. Tout ce que l’on appelle “les oligarques” consiste en cette survivance d’une classe politique de castes. Tenir les secteurs de l’énergie comme ceux de l’électricité, de la forêt, de la construction, c’est asservir le peuple dans ses moindres besoins, tétaniser l’économie, ridiculiser son influence et créer une situation où un certain pouvoir prévoit déjà de se porter en sauveur. L’Amérique n’est sans doute que le complice d’un complot d’état dirigé contre la France par une entreprise sombrement connue pour son ambiguïté.

Dans la chronologie, je montre aussi comment le “zéro carbone” a pu servir cette stratégie pour enlever les zones de contrôle du peuple sur ses territoires souverains. La forêt est devenu le siège d’une lutte pour le pouvoir, lutte également appuyée par les milieux de la finance de Londres. Au travers les néo-conservateurs américains, on découvre un réseau d’influence commun à McKinsey et à l’Europe. Leurs motivations communes sont religieuses et monarchiques/colonialistes.

Retrouvez toutes les publications liées à McKinsey sur cette page:


On 05/15/2007, McKinsey published “A recipe for Sarkozy‘s success”. Nicolas Sarkozy took office as the president of France the day after, on 05/16/2007 and for 5 years, he executed the plan described by McKinsey.

On 07/17/2008, McKinsey published “Capturing the European Energy Productivity Opportunity”, by clearly targeting the energy sector. On 10/20/2008, the beginning of a strategy was unveiled with “Fueling sustainable development: The energy productivity solution”. At this time, France’s energy sector was already fragile as stated in the Roulet Report of December 2004. The Fragility of the French energy sector may have been an opportunity for McKinsey to trade its influence during the French political campaign, providing free support for Sarkozy against contracts with the French government. This is the beginning of the fraud.

On 01/25/2009, McKinsey published “Pathway to a low carbon economy, Version 2 of the Global Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Curve”. This is the beginning of a strategy where companies who pollute could buy carbon redeeming points. This program is largely balanced around forestry and afforestation.

On 03/26/2009, the program was implemented and tested in Brazil with “Pathway to a low carbon economy for Brazil”. On 06/29/2010, China entered the McKinsey game with “Building a second home in China”. Through McKinsey’s publications, we can follow the evolution of their thoughts and strategies.

From 2006 to 2010, I developed new innovative technologies and in September 2010, I participated in a professional meeting to present my innovations. In December 2010, an incubator decided to finance my Research and Development for 18 months in order to register a patent. The deadline was June 29, 2012 to register my patent.

Few months after entering incubation, McKinsey published Urban world: mapping the economic power of cities” on 03/24/2011 and “A duty to modernize’: Reforming the French civil service” on 04/01/2011. A McKinsey employee named François-Daniel MIGEON left the McKinsey company to work directly as a civil servant in the French ministry of Finance. He managed the full transformation of four pillars of the French sovereignty in partnership with McKinsey. The forestry code, the rural code, the mining code and the code of military justice were entirely rewritten. The transformation of those codes was removing control from the French people in order to transfer the authority to financial entities. This transformation was a complete shift in the economy with deeper financial consequences.

While the new code of forestry was published in January 2012, McKinsey published “Mobilizing for a resource revolution” on 01/03/2012. This resource revolution translated also into the wood market with long term contracts provided to China under the real cost value of the wood. McKinsey influenced willfully to break the wood market and to establish a monopoly. France, which is one of the leading countries to develop high quality wood, was a deliberate target in order to disrupt all other temperate woods markets in other countries. This strategy affects one quarter of the United-States.

On 05/15/2012, François Holland was elected as the new president of France. On 06/19/2012, Mc Kinsey published “Reducing deforestation: The land-use revolution”. This is the beginning of this new strategy where three kinds of forestry will compete:

  • Traditional forestry is cultivated as a garden with soft harvesting to maintain the equilibrium and the harmony of the forest between human, wildlife and flora. With the term “deforestation”, McKinsey prohibits traditional harvesting in order to reduce the impact of this kind of forestry on the costs defined by this market.
  • Industrial forestry is a monoculture of trees planted in line and growing artificially. The equilibrium is disrupted with a poorer sampling of wildlife and fauna. Human activity is predominant. This is the kind of forestry favored by McKinsey and promoted through its REDD+ program with “net-zero” trading where polluting companies buy afforestation and plantation programs.
  • Afforestation consists in turning a land into a forest by planting young trees. Slops and non-agricultural lands are usually targeted for afforestation. Afforestation is the first step before industrial forestry and here again, this is the kind of program largely favored by McKinsey to sell “carbon compensation points” to “net zero” balance with polluting industries.

Of course, the environmental value of afforestation and industrial forest plantations is far below the result of traditional forestry, but instead of promoting traditional forestry as a way to solve climate change problems, McKinsey decided to aggravate the problem by freezing traditional forestry lands and promote its carbon trading programs. While traditional forestry would produce woods above $1000/m3, industrial forestry and afforestation produce woods which are sold below $200/m3. We clearly see the economical impact and the consequences on employment, innovation, and industrial development locally. The value is created in China instead of creating value near the first transformation of the wood in the French or American forests and sawmills. 

The carbon compensation of industrial forests and afforestation is way below the capacity of traditional forest, but the calculation is biased and overrated to replace one traditional system of forestry with another and lure the public into the belief that industrial forestry can capture as much carbon as a traditional forest does.

Traditional forests are not lost for everyone. In France, starting with François Holland, environmental non-profit organizations were labeled as “terrorists” while hunting non-profit organizations are encouraged to enroll new members and train them with lethal weapons. During covid-19, those same hunters non-profit organizations offered to control and coerce the population like a militia. We see an increasing power to limit access to traditional forests while industrial forests are transformed into commercial lands.

In 2012, the timeline of McKinsey accelerated very fast. On 10/01/2012, they published “Transforming government in France”. One year later, on 11/08/2013, they published Industrie 2.0 – Jouer la rupture pour une Renaissance de l’industrie française (Industry 2.0 – Playing the break for a Renaissance of French industry). McKinsey created a rupture and then a “Renaissance” which will become the name of the political party of Emmanuel Macron in April 2022.

On 12/16/2013, after the rupture and the Renaissance, McKinsey published ”Government by design: Four principles for a better public sector”. McKinsey literally governs and redesigns the French public sector at will. On 12/01/2014, McKinsey targeted the French army with a publication “Reform as an imperative: An interview with Vice Admiral Eric Chaplet”.

After implementing its strategies for two years, McKinsey published “Industry 4.0 after the initial hype: Where manufacturers are finding value and how they can best capture it” on 04/05/2016. This is the preparation for the next presidential election where François Holland will leave the lead to Emmanuel Macron.

François Holland has been the President of France from May 15, 2012 to May 14, 2017. France holds 25.57% of the capital of ERAMET and 30.44% of votes in ERAMET, a French mining company. There are absolutely no decisions that ERAMET can make without the French government.

  • On March 29, 2017, former President François Holland was visiting Indonesia.
  • On May 14, 2017, President Emmanuel MACRON took office as the new President of France.
  • On May 23, 2017, Ms Christel Bories was appointed Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of ERAMET. “As the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and Member of the Executive Board of Eramet SA, the total compensation of Christel Bories at Eramet SA is $1,781,340. There are no executives at Eramet SA getting paid more.” In comparison, the son of former politician Patrick Devedjian, Thomas Devedjian, is making $783,889/year as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Finance and Digital Transformation, Member of the Executive Board of ERAMET.
  • On June 9, 2017, the Chinese company Tsingshan took 57% ownership of the Weda Bay Nickel plant which is the biggest plant of Nickel in the world. ERAMET has lost control of the plant with the French government approval.

Let me put it in other words. While all the car industries around the world are developing Electric Vehicles, while all solar installations of the world need batteries, while all electronics do need batteries for which all those industries need nickel, France, who had an exclusive concession with Indonesia on the Halmahera plant, the biggest plant of the world, has decided to give 57% of this treasure to China, all this, in the very same time as presidential election. 

McKinsey provided counseling to Emmanuel Macron during the 2017 presidential election, and at the same time, ERAMET transferred 57% of its plant to a Chinese company. On 06/29/2010, McKinsey was publishing “Building a second home in China”. On 06/09/2017, China is building its home in France. The ties between ERAMET and Tsingshan will grow stronger with more concessions and more “partnerships”.

On 02/14/2018, McKinsey published “A closer look at impact investing”, investing not necessarily for profits but rather for strategy and on 07/13/2018, McKinsey published “Decarbonization of industrial sectors: the next frontier”.

The next frontier, as another level. On 04/13/2020, McKinsey published “Bias Busters: War games? Here’s what they’re good for”. The next level is “Climate math: What a 1.5-degree pathway would take – Decarbonizing global business at scale is achievable, but the math is daunting” published on 07/29/2020. Now, McKinsey is ready to expand its strategy worldwide.

On 10/26/2020, McKinsey published “Data: The next wave in forestry productivity” and on 02/09/2021, “Consultation: Nature and Net Zero”. The plan is complete. Traditional forestry is completely frozen into a “Nature and Net Zero” concept while plantations flourish. This is neo-colonialism ready to expand in Africa. On 07/29/2022, McKinsey published “Nature and financial institutions in Africa: A first assessment of opportunities and risks”. Nature has become a portfolio to structure the financial scheme of McKinsey. 

On 04/05/2022, McKinsey published “McKinsey on Government” and on 07/22/2022, they published “The call to rethink government customer experience”. Citizens are no more citizens but “customers” and governments are”by design”, meant to become the tools of a group to consolidate its contracts and influence.

On 10/28/2022, McKinsey published “Why bad strategy is a ‘social contagion” to counter attack any public opinion and strengthen its autocracy. The fraud attained a new pick with the last presidential election. In 2018, just after the first presidential election of Macron, McKinsey was paid €379.1 million in contracts. In 2021, just before the new election of Macron with the brand new party “Renaissance”, the expenses were raised to €893.9 million. In 2022, French authorities started to investigate McKinsey for fraud and money laundering.

McKinsey’s publications expose the strategy and the collusion between McKinsey, the French government and Chinese companies between 2007 until now. While it is difficult to prove any direct payment from McKinsey to the French or the Chinese government, we clearly see that a global strategy is politically motivated and results in political campaigns, elections, contracts, facilitations leading to an unfair competition. The power of the government is reinforced while the counter-power is muzzled and coerced through severe modification of the law, the structure of the government and civil services.

On McKinsey’s website, they publish their “capabilities” that encompass a very large scope of tools to rule out any competitors, raise one voice and influence the market. When evaluating the impact of McKinsey on the French wood industry, we see how the transformation leads to unlawful mergers and business practices. Through time, this model has become a standard that results in millions dollars deficit for France but also the United-States.

Finance does not care if a country is losing money because the business model of McKinsey establishes its own rule to value the land, the services, the people and the local structural sectors. It removes all professional complexity by minimizing the tasks and it does not care if rural cities are losing their jobs and revenue. Finance is a cold war weapon of the elite against the people except that international laws do not protect those kinds of victims.

With my innovations, I exposed myself to this finance and I became one of the victims. Investigating and writing has become my reason to survive but I expect justice, for myself of course, and for future generations who will have to survive with the challenge of properly “labeling” the forest in order to address all the challenges. My activism is to advocate “forest gardens” because I believe in harmony between nature and humans. As a woman, and probably the first woman in the world to have patents in carpentry, it has become also a dedication to fulfill my accomplishment and to prove that I was right. I scared them with my innovations and they tried to eliminate me. It is now my duty to prove that I am alive.

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