L’International Democrat Union est-elle dangereuse?

J’ai vécu deux présidentielles aux USA, toutes deux très mouvementées et à chaque fois, j’étais surprise de voir George W. Bush dans le camp démocrate. Hier, cherchant à savoir qui était Boris Johnson après qu’il ait menacé d’une guerre “pire que 1945”, j’ai découvert qu’il était le leader du parti Conservatif du Royaume-Uni, et ici, chaque mot compte, “conservatif”, “Royaume-Uni”, c’est à dire le Commonwealth.

The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 from the Tory Party and was one of two dominant political parties in the 19th century, along with the Liberal Party. Under Benjamin Disraeli, it played a preeminent role in politics at the height of the British Empire. In 1912, the Liberal Unionist Party merged with the party to form the Conservative and Unionist Party. Following this, the Labour Party became the Conservatives’ main rival. To this day, the Labour and Conservative parties constitute the two most significant parties in the UK.

While its views and policies have changed throughout its history, the party has generally adopted liberal economic policies favouring free market economics including measures such as deregulationprivatisation, and marketisation since the 1980s, although the party also historically advocated for protectionism. The party is British unionist, opposing a united IrelandScottish and Welsh independence, and has been critical of devolution. Historically, the party supported the continuance and maintenance of the British Empire. The party has taken various approaches towards policy on the European Union (EU). There are eurosceptic and, to an increasingly lesser extent, pro-European factions of the party. In recent years, the party has embraced a strongly eurosceptic position, with the party adopting the slogan “Get Brexit Done” following the decision to leave the EU in a referendum held under the Conservative Cameron government. On social policy, it has historically taken a more socially conservative approach including implementing Section 28[25] and generally maintaining Sunday blue laws.[26] However, it is argued[by whom?] that its social policy has become more liberal in recent decades, perhaps evidenced by the legalisation of same-sex marriage under the Conservative–Liberal Democrat Cameron-Clegg coalition in 2014, the lifting of the ban on women in combat roles in the military in 2016 under the Cameron government and the legalisation of medical cannabis in 2018 under the second May ministry. In defence policy, it favours a strong military capability including an independent nuclear weapons programme and commitment to NATO membership.

The party’s support base has historically consisted primarily of middle class voters, especially in rural and suburban areas of England. Since the EU referendum, the Conservatives have also shifted to targeting working class voters in traditionally Labour supporting areas.[27][28] Its domination of British politics throughout the 20th century and its re-emergence in the 2010s has led to it being referred to as one of the most successful political parties in the Western world.[29][30][31]

The LondonScottishWelsh and Northern Irish branches of the party are semi-autonomous. The Conservatives are a founding member party of both the International Democrat Union and the European Conservatives and Reformists Party.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Party_(UK)

2010, c’est l’année où je suis rentrée en incubation d’entreprise, le 31 décembre 2010 exactement, date du jury. Sarkozy était président. La guerre en Lybie a commencé le 15 février 2011. Les évènements de Fukushima se sont passés le 11 mars 2011. Obama venait d’être élu président des USA le 20 janvier 2009. Le 10 décembre 2009, le Prix Nobel de la Paix norvégien lui était décerné. Sous Obama, l’International Democrat Union a pris de l’élan, poussé par les Clinton, les Bush et les Biden. Chirac en avait été le signataire, pour représenter la France et l’on sait ce qu’il a fait aux services secrets, à l’armée, aux administrations, aux forces de l’ordre. La France est devenue la proie de cette machine politique qui porte le libéralisme en étendard du Commonwealth. Aujourd’hui, l’Angleterre veut vassaliser la France, une petite mort du peuple, mais une mort certaine.

The group was founded in 1983 as the umbrella organisation for the European Democrat Union (EDU), Caribbean Democrat Union (CDU), and the Asia Pacific Democrat Union (APDU). Created at the instigation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush, the organisation was founded at a joint meeting of the EDU and APDU in LondonUnited Kingdom.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democrat_Union

The Conservative Party was created in the 1830s by Robert Peel. However, some writers trace its origins to the Tory Party which it soon replaced, the name of which had originated as an insult in the reign of Charles II in the 1670s Exclusion Crisis

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Party_(UK)#Origins

The Exclusion Crisis ran from 1679 until 1681 in the reign of King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland. Three Exclusion bills sought to exclude the King’s brother and heir presumptiveJames, Duke of York, from the thrones of EnglandScotland and Ireland because he was Roman Catholic. None became law. Two new parties formed. The Tories were opposed to this exclusion while the “Country Party”, who were soon to be called the Whigs, supported it. While the matter of James’s exclusion was not decided in Parliament during Charles’s reign, it would come to a head only three years after he took the throne, when he was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Finally, the Act of Settlement 1701 decided definitively that Catholics were to be excluded from the English, Scottish and Irish thrones, now the British throne.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusion_Crisis

The establishment of a “systematic civic-education program inspired by Christian democratic values” began being considered in 1952 by a group of CDU politicians including Bundestag president Hermann EhlersRobert Tillmanns, and Heinrich Krone. On 20 December 1955, the Society for Christian Democratic Education, which would be renamed after Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on 13 October 1964, was opened in Bonn.[4]

The aim of the foundation’s civic education programs is, according to their official website,[5] the “promotion of freedom and liberty, peace, and justice” through “furthering European unification, improving transatlantic relations, and deepening development cooperation”.[6][7] Their function as a think-tank and consulting agency[8] is intended to provide citizens with a basis for political action through the research and analyses of current political trends.[9][10] The KAS offers more than 2,500 conferences and events each year worldwide, and actively supports the political involvement and education of intellectually gifted youth through a prestigious scholarship program as well as an ongoing comprehensive seminar program.[11][12]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Adenauer_Foundation

Although also a proponent of European unity, Adenauer pursued strong Atlanticist links with the United States as a counterbalance to France.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Adenauer

Le fils Bush a suivi le chemin de son père qui a participé à la fondation de l’International Democrat Union, mais alors que Chirac joignait le mouvement, c’est Frank Fahrenkopf qui représentait les Etats-Unis, un avocat de Réno qui a représenté les hotels, les casinos, les vendeurs d’alcohol et les compagnies de construction, tout ce que la pègre peut avoir d’entreprises pour articuler les rouages d’une mafia.

In 1965, just out of law school, Fahrenkopf met all the members of the Nevada Young Republicans Club; a week later, Fahrenkopf was elected chairman of the club. Within two years the club had more than 500 members. In 1972, Fahrenkopf was the Northern Nevada co-chairman of President Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign. He was general counsel to the Nevada Republican Committee from 1972 to 1975 and its chairman from 1975 to 1983.[1]

At the national level, Fahrenkopf became a member of the Republican National Committee in 1975. He was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions in 1972, 1976, and 1980. From 1977 to 1979 he was a member of the Republican National Committee’s executive committee. From 1981 to 1983, he was the national chairman of the Republican State Chairman’s Association.[1]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Fahrenkopf

S’il fallait le dire, le monde n’est pas noir ou blanc. Il y a des zones grises qui représentent des pouvoirs, des forces actives, prédatrices, excessivement agressives, liées à des réseaux sombres de la finance, de la pornographie et du blanchiment d’argent. Ces zones grises se retrouvent dans les politiques actuelles aux USA et en France, des politiques pyramidales et corrompues.

Aussi longtemps que le peuple résistera à ces menaces, il y aura des hommes et des femmes pour prendre la parole, mais jusqu’à quand?

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